Nilüfer Verdi
"Don't forget"
Date of Birth: 1956
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Date of Death:
Place of Death:
Burial Site:
Field of Activity
"Jazz is the musical form of rebellion. This aspect is often pushed into the background. Light jazz, Lounge jazz, Easy jazz all make one feel lethargic. The rebellious nature of jazz has been completely ignored.
I dedicated both my first album 'Mana' and my second album 'Izhar' to all women. I did this because, women are still discriminated against worldwide, something which should not be happening in our day and age. Both sexes should really be able to profit equally from everything. (…) But it is indeed very difficult to make men understand the women's point of view.
Genderdiscrimination, can be found in all social classes. The only difference is that between behaviour and attitudes in the country and in the town. The feminist movement developed, because there was a need for it, a need to achieve equality between the sexes. Of course artists should be sensitive towards this, and support the good cause but, to bring about a real solution, we need legislation and guarantees that these laws are kept.
I personally haven't given my son special treatment just because he is a boy. He has also grown up among women who have been able to assert themselves in society. His great-aunt melehat Ruacan was the first woman to become a member of the final court,of appeal, and his aunt Nükhet Ruacan was a fantastic jazz singer. My mother Liselotte Auer was a painter. His father's mother, Umran Ruacan, was a Morsecode expert."
(Nilüfer Verdi)
Audio examples of Nilüfer Verdis' work
- Mânâ, Ada Müzik, 1997
- İzhar, A.K. Müzik 2007
(No information available)
(No information available)
New York, New School (Jack Reilly)
Boston, Berklee College of Music (Ray Santisi, Bob Winter, Billy Pierce)
Contributions to Society
(No information available)
Family and Friends
- Mother: Lilo Auer Verdi (painter)
- Father: Nejat Verdi
- Brother: Murat Verdi
- Son: Nedim Ruacan
- Husband: Neşet Ruacan
Projects in her Honour
(No information available)
Further Reading
- Leyla Diana Gücük, Caz, "Müzik, Kadın: Nilüfer Verdi ile 8 Mart 2012 Dünya Kadınlar Günü özel programı", cazkolik.com.
- Ömür Şahin, "Müziğim bedel ödeyen kadınlara", birgün.net, 7. 3. 2010.
- "Müzikte dünyanın kulağı Türkiye'de olacak", milliyet.com.tr, 2. 9. 2009.
- "Caz özgürlüğe sürükler", haberinyeri.net, 2. 12. 2007.
- Nilüfer Verdi internet site: http://www.niluferverdi.com/
- "Nilüfer Verdi", donneinmusica.org,
Quoted Sources
- See the "Further Reading" section
- Ömür Şahin, "Müziğim bedel ödeyen kadınlara", birgün.net, 07 Mart 2010, http://www.birgun.net/culture_index.php?news_code=1267963589&year=2010&month=03&day=07 .
- "Nilüfer Verdi", donneinmusica.org, http://www.donneinmusica.org/wordpress/wimust/biographies-european-women-composers/v/544-nilufer-verdi.html .
Source of Visual Images
- Internet site Nilüfer Verdi. www.niluferverdi.com/
Translation into Englisch: Lee Andrea Cockshott, Glasgow, Scotland and Lyndall von Dewitz, Oberasbach, Bavaria, Germany ©2012 Meral Akkent