Merope Kantarcıyan (Siranuş)
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth: Beyoğlu, Istanbul
Date of Death: 10/06/1932
Place of Death: Cairo, Egypt
Burial Site: (No information available)
Field of Activity
Merope Kantarcıyan, accepted as the most important actress of the Armenian Theater, first appeared on stage at the age of 15.
- 1872 The role of a maid in the comedy named "Canary" of Hortence
- 1875 Güllü Agop Theater Group
- 1872-1873Roles in the operettas of the Ortaköy Theater.The voice of Merope Kantarcıyan was that of a coloratura soprano.
- 1879 -1881Merope Kantarcıyan went to Tbilisi with the actor Bedros Atamyan (Heronimos) and played Ophelia in Hamlet, Catherine in The Taming Of The Shrew.
- 1881 Returned to Istanbul. Went on a tour of Egypt with Bengliyan Operetta group and played Marguerite Gautier in La Damme Aux Camelias.
- 1901-19201901-1920 Went on another tour of the Caucasus with Shakespeare plays in her repertoire and played Hamlet in Tbilisi in 1901, thus becoming the first female Armenian Actress playing that part.
- Merope Kantarcıyan was a theater director in Russia for 19 years.
- 1920 Returned to Istanbul.
(No information available)
(No information available)
(No information available)
Contributions to Society
(No information available)
Family and Friends
(No information available)
Commemorative Projects
(No information available)
Further Reading
- Bogos Çalgıcıyan "19.y.y Osmanlı Temaşa Sanatının Başlangıcından 1946'ya Ermeniler" hyetert.com (access 9.12.2011).
- Bogos Çalgıcıoğlu, "1820-1946 Osmanlı-Türk Temaşa Sanatında Ermeni'ler", Gertonagan Lisesi'nden Yetişenler Derneği yayını (No date available).
- Hüdavendigar Onur, Ermeni Portreleri, İstanbul, 2000.
Quoted Sources
- See the "Further Reading" section
Source of Visual Images
- Bogos Çalgıcıoğlu, 1820-1946 Osmanlı-Türk Temaşa Sanatında Ermeni'ler, Gertonagan Lisesi'nden Yetişenler Derneği yayını (No date available).
Translation into English: Çetin Alanya, Istanbul, Turkey
Editing: Lynn Maichle, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
©2012 Meral Akkent