My responsibility!
Melisa Akkuş
I have a responsibility for a future where beings, nature and people are equal.
Melisa Akkuş, climate activist, İstanbul, 16 years
I have a responsibility for a future where beings, nature and people are equal. In the Fridays for Future movement we work together, irrespective of colour, language, religion or race, against the climate crisis, for equality, peace, justice.
We demand that states fulfil the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement. We explain that the temperature rise should be kept at the 1.5 C limit to avoid the devastating effects of the climate crisis.
Fossil fuels, especially coal, cause the carbon dioxide ratio in the atmosphere to reach disastrous dimensions. The climate crisis causes floods, droughts, temperatures exceeding the normal season, fires, rising sea level; people are dying, creatures become extinct.
We have entered a process called the last 10 years. We are the last generation to be able to stop the climate crisis. Seeing people who act, we gain hope. And this hope gives us strength.