Being able to say no

Birce Tiftikçioğlu

We as individuals start to make our lifestyles sustainable, and if we know how to say no to some products, governments and large companies will change their policies.
Birce Tiftikçioğlu, climate activist, Istanbul, 16 years

Generally, we expect companies or governments to take the first step towards a cleaner future and against climate crisis. I think individuals are also responsible for the solutions. We as individuals start to make our lifestyles sustainable, and if we know how to say no to some products, governments and large companies will change their policies.

The mass production brought about by the Industrial Revolution exhausted and injured our world. Now it is time to heal these wounds. What we have to do is not to exceed the speed of nature because if we exceed it, the results will be painful for us.

Still, I think we're not late. By raising awareness, we can live in a cleaner and healthier world. That's why I made the decision to be active, I inform people about the climate crisis and show them how they can act.

Birce Tiftikçioğlu
Birce Tiftikçioğlu