Ekin Toygur
Change takes place only when we realize our thoughts and demands.
Ekin Toygur, climate activist, Ankara, 16 years
Change takes place only when we realize our thoughts and demands. When people come and act together for the same purpose, change is inevitable.
The Fridays for Future movement aims for the change we climate activists want. Youth is the most important factor in this movement. Because the future is our future and we have the right to speak. When young people don't take action, the climate will cry out in pain. So, we, the children and the youth, have a lot of work to do to save our own future. But is it only our effort that is necessary? Of course not. Adults should also be aware of the seriousness of the climate crisis and worry about the future of their children (if there is any future, at all).
Decision makers should now understand that time is up and take the necessary steps. Are you still wavering? Stop postponing. Take action.