We must do what we can
Deniz Çevikus
We must do whatever we can so that nobody remains unaware of the climate crisis.
Deniz Çevikus, climate activist, Istanbul, 12 years
Our future has been shaped by adults, and this future is terrible. We are now trying to turn it around. If we young people can achieve this goal, that is, if we manage to mobilize governments against the climate crisis, we may have a future in which we can choose whatever profession we wish, enjoy our hobbies and live the happy lives we deserve.
By not being silent about the climate crisis, we can defend our own future and the right to live for billions of other people and animals around the world.
We must create a desire in people to act, with school strikes, creative actions, interesting activities. We need to make clear that the situation is urgent. We have to raise awareness, we have to awaken curiosity.
We must do whatever we can so that nobody remains unaware of the climate crisis. Those who are aware take action.