Evaluation of Istanbul convention: its contributions and constraints for elimination of violence against women in Turkey
Şehnaz Kaymaz Bahçeci
Okul: | |
Akademik Ünvan: | |
Bağlı olduğunuz Kurum: | |
Yıl: | 2012 |
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Çalışmanın Özeti
Feminist approach to violence tells us that the violence experienced by women (violence against women), whether it is in the public or the private domain, is of a gendered nature and a tool for subordination of women, reproducing the patriarchal social order.
In Turkey, one in every three women says that she experienced this kind of gendered violence at least once in her life. The issue became a uniting topic for the revitalizing women's movement after the 1980 coup d'etat and the movement utilized different methods in their combat against violence against women since then.
Since 2011, the women's movement in Turkey has a new, powerful tool in their hands: Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, a.k.a. the Istanbul Convention. The Convention acknowledges presence of gendered violence, emphasizes use of violence against women as a tool to subordinate women within the society, offers binding measures for party states to follow and monitors them with its committee, GREVIO. While having few weaknesses, Convention still holds a great potential in aiding the movement in several areas of struggle for eliminating violence against women in Turkey.
This study draws on the tools utilized by the women's movement in Turkey since 1980's and tries to evaluate and highlight the important aspects of the Istanbul Convention and the tools it can provide that can be utilized by the movement for combating violence against women in Turkey.