Victim because of social factors
Pınar Vatansever
I cannot ignore people being in danger of becoming victims of the climate crisis simply because of their socio-economic position or theirgender.
Pınar Vatansever, climate activist, Bursa, 19 years
I am a climate activist from a social background where the opinion prevails that you are a woman only after you have been with a man. Because of the destructiveness and unfairness of this thought, I was discriminated against in many ways. Moreover, I met with criticism. A girl shouldn't be an activist! I cannot be silent about the injustices I have seen. I cannot ignore people being in danger of becoming victims of the climate crisis simply because of their socio-economic position or their gender.
Sometimes we blame adults for being silent or unaware of the climate crisis. Let's forget about this and focus on what we can do together.
I want all adults and my peers to be free from misleading assumptions such as "The problem is too big for us." or "We can't do anything, anyway." The climate crisis is a common problem of all people. We can change everything if we are united.