Saying the unsaid
Aslı Yılmaz
Having become a climate activist I understand that activism is a unifying force to articulate topics which are not spoken about.
Aslı Yılmaz, climate activist, Eskişehir, 17 years
Having become a climate activist I understand that activism is a unifying force to articulate topics which are not spoken about.
The groups most affected by the consequences of the climate crisis are children, women and girls; as such - I think - we have a lot to say about ecological and social injustices. Therefore, peers and adults! Join us climate activists. We must unite our voice behind science, anytime and in all cases.
Of course, decision makers have a much bigger role in the climate crisis. But the future of children is of the same importance as short-term economic goals. So we want to see practices that take this into account.
When both decision makers and individuals do their best, I will feel o.k. as an activist and a child.