Raising awareness
Saadet Nur Coşkun
We need to raise awareness about the climate emergency starting from our close circles.
Saadet Nur Coşkun, climate activist, Bursa, 18 years
As a teenager, I consider our efforts to draw attention to the urgency of the climate crisis really remarkable. We are experiencing a "global" crisis and we have to put our personal interests aside and strive for the future. We must grasp the urgency of the climate crisis as societies and meet on common ground. We have only one world and we must take measures if we do not want to run the risk of losing this world.
We must change our individual attitudes and at the same time we need to raise awareness about the climate emergency starting from our close circles. Either we will be successful in our efforts and we will continue to live together in this world, or we will lose this world altogether. It's all in our hands!
I am of the opinion that adults should also take an active role, at least like the young people, and I want them to support our demands regarding the climate crisis.