Being heard
Maya Kılıç
During our actions, we realized that civilians and decision makers were listening to us.
Maya Kılıç, climate activist, Izmir, 16 years
Scientific data point to the upcoming end of our world due to the climate crisis. This fact scared us all. We felt helpless and decided that we had to do something. Sometimes we were exhausted individually, but we did not give up. This caused others to join us.
During our actions, we realized that civilians and decision makers were listening to us, so we believed that we had the power to change what we were against. "Everything we do is remarkable" says Greta Thunberg in a video. Everything we do together or individually is a contribution to change.
My mother says that we are all connected to each other with threads of light. Whatever one of us does as an individual can have a great effect on another person. She says: "We are different but similar; if we stand together, we will have the power to reach what we are aiming at." Let's never walk alone, never lose the faith that we have the power to change!