Ecological Footprint Calculator

Ecological Footprint Calculator

Complete each of the categories for a typical day in your home. Add the points in each category to obtain a subtotal, and transfer each subtotal to the summary chart. Use the grand total to calculate your ecological footprint.
My shower (or bath) on a typical day is:
I flush the toilet:
When I brush my teeth:
We use water-saving toilets
We use low-flow showerheads
Water Use Subtotal:
On a typical day, I eat:
All of my food is grown locally or is organic
I compost my fruit/vegetable scraps and peels.
Most of my food is processed.
Little of my food has packaging.
On a typical day, I waste:
Food Subtotal:
On a typical day, I travel by:
The time I spend in vehicles on a typical day is:
How big is the car in which I travel on a typical day?
Number of cars in our driveway?
Number of flights I take per year?
Transportation Subtotal:
My house is:
Divide number of rooms in the home (no baths) by the number of people living at home.
We own a second, or vacation home that is often empty.
Shelter Subtotal:
In cold months, our house temperature is:
We dry clothes outdoors or on an indoor rack.
We use an energy-efficient refrigerator.
We have a second refrigerator / freezer.
We use 5 or more compact fluorescent light bulbs.
I turn off lights, computer, and television when they're not in use.
To cool off, I use:
My clothes washer is a:
Energy Use Subtotal:
I change my outfit every day and put it in the laundry.
I am wearing clothes that have been mended or fixed.
One-fourth (or more) of my clothes are handmade or secondhand.
Most of my clothes are purchased new each year.
I give the local thrift store clothes that I no longer wear.
I never wear _____ % of the clothes in my closet.
I buy_____ new pairs of shoes every year.
Clothing Subtotal:
All my garbage from today could fit into a:
I recycle all my paper, cans, glass and plastic.
I reuse items rather than throw them out.
I repair items rather than throw them out
I avoid disposable items as often as possible.
I use rechargeable batteries whenever I can.
In my home we have __ number of Electronics? (Computer, TV, Stereo, VCR, DVD, X box, Game boy, etc.)
How much equipment is needed for typical activities? (A lot =boat, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, Very little soccer, bicycling)
Stuff Subtotal:

Ecological footpring grand total

Your total score from all sections:
Water Use
Food Use
Transportation Use
Shelter Use
Energy Use
Clothing Use
Stuff I Use
Grand Total
Earths needed

If everyone lived like I do, we would need the above number of Earths to sustain the people of the world.