A movement for rights
Bilge Yerli
The climate movement is a movement for rights.
Bilge Yerli, climate activist, Ankara, 17 years
The climate crisis caused by our economic system, our way of living and consumption affects every field of life. Fighting against it means creating a transformation fair for all human beings. All of us will experience the consequences of the climate crisis, from the corn-growing farmer to the student studying climate science... Not all of us will be affected by the crisis to the same degree. For me, the climate movement is not restricted to a single field. It is linked with the movement for women's, lgbti+ and workers' rights as well as anti-racist, global and social equality movements. It is a movement for rights.
Adults, politicians and all who are ready to listen! Open your eyes to the climate crisis! Act not only for your own children and grandchildren, but for the right to live for all living beings on our planet! Make sure that necessary transformations are fair and leave no one behind!