Adults responsible!
Aslı Vural
Adults! It is you who are before all responsible for the climate crisis.
Aslı Vural, climate activist, Istanbul, 15 years
Adults! It is you who are before all responsible for the climate crisis. But simply putting the blame on you will not solve our problems. Maybe the future belongs more to us than to you, but we need you for the future. You have a responsibility to leave us a livable life.
Young people! Taking action for our world and our future is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Shout out with banners in your hands like us. Draw attention to the climate crisis wherever you are. Raise awareness. Take action for our future.
The climate crisis is a multifaceted, complex problem. We must not be content with the superficial measures taught to us, we must get as much information as possible about the problem. It is not enough to feel sorry about it for a few minutes and then forget it. And it is not enough to act consciously just to feel good. If we want to have a future, it is imperative that we take effective steps now.